Tuesday, July 21, 2009


July,this is the month where our school celebrates the Nutrition Month. There are many activities to be done and so many contests to join with.The Food Festival is one of the highlights of the celebration,were every school year level has their own specific day of the week to sell their nutritious and beneficial food products.The good thing about it is that we don't just enjoy the nutritious and delactably delicious foods but our entrepreneurship skills are also being developed.(Well,that's enough for the intro;) For us 4th Year students our scheduled day of selling is last Thursday ,July 16, 2009.The Food Festival started last Monday,July 13.During the festival,my role is to convince the students to buy our Pineapple Shake.It really is a good job because i had the chance to endorse and conversate with students whom I dont know.The whole place was like the typical view of the public market because of the noise of the rushing students to buy their snacks.The selling tables were all surrounded by curios students asking,"What is that and how much is it?"because i have noticed that some of the delicacies and foods displayed were made uniquely. After doing my role, I roamed around the place to buy also for my snack, I really enjoyed enjoyed eating the cheeserolls,banana split and the even the Aruzcaldo.They were tasty and nutritious.The bell rang and we have to clear the place so that we can attend our next class. The remaining cups of the shake were bought by my classmates and even me, it is so sweet and I like it. We expected that the next day would be the grand selling day but unfortunately typhoon Isang landed to us causing the strong wind and heavy pour of rain. The said spot to substitute the original selling place was unavailable, so we just sold the pineapple shake inside the classroom for us to enjoy it eventhough it's a chilly day still it is in demand. It really is a nice moment for me and the others because we have proved that we didn't only showcased the importance of good nutrition and right foods to eat but we can also be little entrepreneurs.